Trying it Natural

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Preserve Flowers

Add a few drops of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar to the water in your flower vase. It should help keep your flowers fresh longer.


Strawberry Foot Scrub
Feet can use a little help in summer, when sandals expose rough dead skin for all to see. This easy scrub helps slough it all away:

8 strawberries
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoons kosher salt

Mix ingredients into a paste, massage well into feet, then rinse and dry.

Berry Good Acne Remedy

1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1 tablespoon sour cream

Mash well to combine, then apply this mixture to your face and allow to stay for 10 minutes or so. Rinse thoroughly.

Strawberry Tooth-Whitener
Simply rub crushed fresh strawberry pulp directly on your teeth to clean and gently remove stains.

Strawberry Hair Conditioner

8 fresh strawberries
1 tablespoon mayonnaise

Mash ingredients thoroughly and massage into damp hair. Cover with a shower cap and a warm towel. Allow to stay on hair for at least 10 minutes, then shampoo as usual.


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Reading for anyone seeking Natural well- being, My mission is to help reduce stress. The publication of this information doesnt constitute the practice of medicine and doesnt replace the advice of your physician or health care provider.

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